Archive for the ‘unions’ Category

IBEW 827 and People’s Organization for Progress Rally for Jobs and Justice

Tuesday, December 20th, 2011

IBEW 827 joined People's Organization for Progress (POP) at their daily mobilization  for jobs,peace,justice, and equality.  Occupy Newark members also attended.  POP is  leading the working class by rallying everyday since June 27, 2011.  They are commemorating the Montgomery bus boycott and will continue until they ...

Verizon is the Poster Child of Corporate Greed

Sunday, November 13th, 2011

Verizon workers occupied 11-11 on Friday at the OccupyWallStreet encampment in lower Manhattan.   They came to drop a dime on the Telecom behemoth, to let the public know that Verizon is the poster child of corporate greed. [caption id="attachment_569" align="aligncenter" width="611" caption="IBEW 827 members drop a dime on Verizon"][/caption] Toting signs ...

March Against Verizon Corporate Greed Friday Oct. 21. 5:30 PM

Wednesday, October 19th, 2011

This Friday evening, Oct. 21, together with Occupy Wall Street, Verizon and Verizon Wireless workers will march to protest Verizon corporate greed. Please join us. We will assemble at 140 West Street between 4 and 5 p.m., march east on Barclay Street and then down Broadway. We should ...

Verizon Bosses walk away from table: Unions unite with Occupy Wall Street

Friday, October 14th, 2011

It's October, the apples are ripe on the trees and the time is ripe to throw wood on the fire of class struggle.  The country's ablaze with working people who are scorching mad about the corporate class' s burning desire to squeeze every last dime out of our pockets.  OccupyWallStreet ...

Next Low-Wage Haven: USA

Saturday, October 8th, 2011

Good things come to those who wait.  You've heard that saying right?  Well since so many of us working folks have been asleep for so many years  while our wages have been sinking and benefits have been stolen away by bosses, Wall Street, health insurance bandits soon all those jobs ...

Union Workers occupy VZW store Roosevelt, Minn.

Monday, October 3rd, 2011

Fists in the air and voices raised union rebels from the AFL-CIO Nextup11 Young Workers Summit occupied a Verizon Wireless store in Roosevelt, Minn on Saturday.   The militant action which lasted about 45 minutes shocked the store manager. The workers demanded that Verizon bosses settle the current contract dispute and share ...

Troy Davis and The Legacy of Slavery

Wednesday, September 21st, 2011

I hear a lot of people -- mostly white folks, but not exclusively -- say that “Hey slavery ended 150 years ago.  It’s time to move on.”  While there is a little truth in this statement, there is also a profound misconception.  The racist legacy of slavery lives on in ...

Don’t Believe the hype. The Dems are not the Answer

Tuesday, September 6th, 2011

Like my man FlavaFlav says so well, "Don't believe the Hy-y-y-ya-ipe."  VP Joe Biden gave a rousing speech Labor Day trying to trick us poor working people into believing one more time that the Democrats are going to help unions fight the terrorist tactics of the bosses and their courts ...

Here’s a couple songs for Labor Day

Monday, September 5th, 2011

Here's a couple songs for labor day: [youtube][/youtube] [youtube][/youtube]

We Salute Tim DeChristopher

Wednesday, August 31st, 2011

Tim DeChristopher is a young man with great courage.  He is a climate activist who while studying in Utah attended a gas lease auction for public lands.  He bid $1.8 million on 14 parcels of land.  He didn't have the money to pay of course.  He did it as a ...