Next Low-Wage Haven: USA

Posted on October 8th, 2011 | by A Worker |

Good things come to those who wait.  You’ve heard that saying right?  Well since so many of us working folks have been asleep for so many years  while our wages have been sinking and benefits have been stolen away by bosses, Wall Street, health insurance bandits soon all those jobs that have disappeared may find their way back.  If wages keep going down in the US the workers here will be competing with workers in China.  Check out this Labor Notes article by Jane Slaughter

Jokes about the U.S. becoming “Europe’s Mexico” are commonplace, but now high-priced consultants are pushing the notion in all seriousness.

They’re predicting that within five years certain Southern U.S. states will be among the cheapest manufacturing locations in the developed world—and competitive with China.

For years advisers like the Boston Consulting Group got paid big bucks to tell their clients to produce in China. Now, they say, rising wages there, fueled by worker unrest, and low wages in Mississippi, Alabama, and South Carolina mean that soon it won’t be worth the hassle of locating overseas.  Read the rest

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