Archive for the ‘Occupy Newark’ Category

IBEW 827 and People’s Organization for Progress Rally for Jobs and Justice

Tuesday, December 20th, 2011

IBEW 827 joined People's Organization for Progress (POP) at their daily mobilization  for jobs,peace,justice, and equality.  Occupy Newark members also attended.  POP is  leading the working class by rallying everyday since June 27, 2011.  They are commemorating the Montgomery bus boycott and will continue until they ...

Occupy Newark takes to the Streets

Sunday, November 20th, 2011

Mike Bloomberg's storm troopers marched into Liberty Square and destroyed the tents, the kitchen and even the people's library, but they could not destroy the the Occupy movement.  Sorry Mike all those billion$$$ and all you did was make people more determined.  It's like Mao Tse Tung said, "To be ...