Archive for the ‘Corporate Profits’ Category

What the Hell is with this Phone Bill?

Tuesday, February 14th, 2012

Ever wonder what all those sneaky little fees are doing on your phone bill.  Well guess what, it's the telecom companies playing paddy cake with the FCC and other government agencies.  More subsidies for the one percent.  Here's a good piece from AlterNet by David Rosen and Bruce Kushnick. As a ...

Occupy Newark takes to the Streets

Sunday, November 20th, 2011

Mike Bloomberg's storm troopers marched into Liberty Square and destroyed the tents, the kitchen and even the people's library, but they could not destroy the the Occupy movement.  Sorry Mike all those billion$$$ and all you did was make people more determined.  It's like Mao Tse Tung said, "To be ...

Occupy Wall Street | What Do They Want? Prosperity WeWantProsperity

Friday, October 28th, 2011

Here's a short video from occupyzine.  It's pretty cool!  Ron Paul fans will like it. [youtube][/youtube]

Wanted for Economic Terrorism: Lowell McAdam

Thursday, October 20th, 2011

Wanted Verizon CEO Lowell McAdam is a one percenter who thinks that working people make far too much money.  Lowell and his ruling class brothers and sisters along with their flunky and obedient politicians are responsible for the destruction of the world economy and the impoverishment of hundreds of millions of ...

March Against Verizon Corporate Greed Friday Oct. 21. 5:30 PM

Wednesday, October 19th, 2011

This Friday evening, Oct. 21, together with Occupy Wall Street, Verizon and Verizon Wireless workers will march to protest Verizon corporate greed. Please join us. We will assemble at 140 West Street between 4 and 5 p.m., march east on Barclay Street and then down Broadway. We should ...

Verizon Bosses walk away from table: Unions unite with Occupy Wall Street

Friday, October 14th, 2011

It's October, the apples are ripe on the trees and the time is ripe to throw wood on the fire of class struggle.  The country's ablaze with working people who are scorching mad about the corporate class' s burning desire to squeeze every last dime out of our pockets.  OccupyWallStreet ...

Next Low-Wage Haven: USA

Saturday, October 8th, 2011

Good things come to those who wait.  You've heard that saying right?  Well since so many of us working folks have been asleep for so many years  while our wages have been sinking and benefits have been stolen away by bosses, Wall Street, health insurance bandits soon all those jobs ...

Union Workers occupy VZW store Roosevelt, Minn.

Monday, October 3rd, 2011

Fists in the air and voices raised union rebels from the AFL-CIO Nextup11 Young Workers Summit occupied a Verizon Wireless store in Roosevelt, Minn on Saturday.   The militant action which lasted about 45 minutes shocked the store manager. The workers demanded that Verizon bosses settle the current contract dispute and share ...

Verizon’s phone customers paid more to Uncle Sam than the telecom giant

Monday, September 5th, 2011

Pay no taxes and lay people off ,  are companies like Verizon the the type of entities we need leading our economy?   As long as we allow this type of shit, working people are doomed.  The information below about Verizon comes from a report on executive compensation and tax dodging ...

Verizon Bosses say, “Divide and Conquer.” We say, “Please Don’t Duck.”

Sunday, August 28th, 2011

[caption id="attachment_340" align="aligncenter" width="446" caption="Verizon ad tries to divide workers"][/caption] With the "great power" of their "superior" intellect and  imaginations -- diluted, unfortunately, by blue blood inbreeding -- the Verizon bosses have  reached into their billion dollar bag of tricks and come up with a brilliant plan --  divide and conquer.  ...